omg i made this liquid, what i did was got some candle wax (witch has a flammable component) chopped it into dust, added in bits of paper and wood with a lil bit of flammable cologne, mixed it up, put in some flamamble alcohol then filered it using a sock and its soooooooo flammable :O!
School is getting hard because you're not in following the wave, at first you and school used to be in the same frequency, but the schools frequency in getting higher and higher while yours is not.Feel me? got to study everyday right when you get home for 1 or 2 hours then you find one thing you find hard to understand so the next day you can go to your teacher and say HEY BITCH!!!... i don't understand this shit, can you help a brother out?, after you get bitch slapped by the teacher and when you finally get out of the principals office and your parents punished you for your unappropriated behavior she will explain it to you till you get it.If you don't do that then every day theres going to be something you didn't get and you didn't care so after 55 days you have a big bag of bullshit you don't understand, and the text is tomorrow so you say school is getting hard.I actually say this by experience I'm FUCK!!!! man >.< i need to study ASAP
power-to-the-players (Updated )
you speak the truth man.